With all of this traveling for the book-tour lately, I've made a few observations. I wish I'd bothered to write them down, as I might have come up with some interesting anecdotes, but the only thing I seem to remember from my travels (for now) is this and I'm going to pose it in the form of a question: Why do men in airports just sit and stare at hot women, as though the hot women can't see them? It doesn't matter if you're in Miami, Philly or Sacramento…it's just "hot chick walks by….weird guy turns around and stares at her until she's out of his sightline." I literally saw this thousands…nay, millions…of times. I'm not trying to have one of those hacky "Am I right, ladies?" kind of moments, but really…I'm right, right?
I first noticed it while I was on one of those moving escalator thingies. A woman walked by going the opposite direction and I remember it well, because she was wearing a really short skirt and tall stiletto heels, while carrying coffee that literally had steam coming out of it. I'm always jealous of women who look "all together" even on a travel-day, because I've never been that woman. I like my coffee to be as much like a milkshake as possible and I like my heels to be as flat as possible, preferably with the words "Sketchers" written on them. And the attention to detail with make-up is just mind-blowing to me. If I've had to get up early to catch a flight, I'm lucky if I don't have a Cheerio stuck in my hair and I can guarantee I will have some kind of toothpaste stain on my shirt or jeans.
Anyway, so this woman with her "adult" coffee and her "adult" heels walks by and the guy in front of me stops, turns around and stares at her for what feels like hours. So I of course, having kept walking, bump into the man and he seems annoyed that I've temporarily blocked his vision of the woman. As if by staring at her, he's somehow telepathically communicating that she's his soul mate or some other nonsense. Like she's gonna just stop, put her carry-on luggage down and say, "I noticed you were eerily looking at me. Do you wanna…I don't know…maybe have sex in the airport lounge?"
Okay, I get that sometimes people just want to look at pretty, shiny objects. And I also get that some women wear ultra short skirts and bright red lipstick because they want to be stared at. Kind of a win-win, except when sleepy, grumpy, unkempt Cecily is walking behind the "stare-er" in the airport, then it's a win-win-lose.
Now, I'm gonna try to remember some other thoughts from my two months on the road and in the meantime, don't forget to enter our Dating Disaster Contest. And if you'd like to share anything personal with me or just say "hi", feel free to email me at shescrazyhesaliar@gmail.com
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