Friday, February 26, 2010

Law Review

Got a good question from a reader and I wanted to share:

Hey Cecily,
Here's a question for you...which of these options sounds like the best plan? Or if they all suck, I'm totally open to your suggestions.

I recently had a lunch date with a very cute lawyer, under business pretenses. I believe him to be very cute. I want to ask him for drinks after work, just casually, so I can spend some more time with him and feel him out as to whether to try to pursue beyond just being business associates.

Option A: Email him a couple days before to ask to go out after work on a predetermined day. This ensures the plans are made around both our schedules and I'm not rejected due to him being busy by asking at the last minute.

Option B: Email him at 1:00 on the day to ask to go for drinks at 5:00. This way I can act like I just came up with the idea and it's an off the cuff thing, and I didn't sit around premeditating it for three weeks, which I totally have been.

Option C: Email him and ask him if he'd like to grab a pint after work sometime, but don't specify the date. This leaves the ball in his court.

What do you think?
-Cosmo Girl

Hi Cosmo Girl!

Your name alone makes me want to make myself a delicious vodka cocktail while writing this, but I won't so that I can answer with a clear head. Of course my initial inclination is to make "lawyer jokes" like..."Ask him if he wants to approach your bench" or "Tell him you want to go through his briefs" or (and I'm so sorry in advance to write this) something about your "juror box". But I will refrain because that stuff is ridiculous.

I think yours are all viable options and although I'm tempted to tell you to go with Option A (as it seems the most mature and straight-forward), I'd personally probably go with Option C. Not because I think in any way that a man needs to take control of the court, but I just feel like it would get the point across without sounding too formal.

I should ask how personal your conversation was over your lunch date. Were you able to find out his relationship status (or if he's even straight)? I suppose either way, it couldn't hurt it put it out there that you'd like to grab a drink after work. If he jumps on the opportunity, that's of course encouraging and you can then feel out the situation at the pub. If he doesn't respond or yells "objection" when you casually put your hand on his knee, you have your answer.

Hope this helps at least a little and let me know how it goes!

Cheers, Cecily

If you have a question or want more lawyer jokes, let me know! Email me at:

1 comment:

  1. Definitely Option C!

    I just read your book Cecily, it's hilarious!
