Monday, April 26, 2010

Moms, Boundaries and Hollywood Actors Part Two

And now for the conclusion of the saga between my Mother and poor, sweet actor Josh Lucas…

So after my Mother and I wagered a $200 bet on whether or not I'd receive an email from Mr. Lucas, I refrained from discussing the issue with her for fear of it deteriorating into a full-blown fight. About a month later, I unfortunately shared the story with a friend of mine and shortly after, I received an email from someone with the address It read as follows:

"Dear Cecily -
My name is Josh and I met your mother a few weeks ago in Texas. I really appreciated her forthrightness in speaking to me and was a little intrigued when she told me about you. I hope you don't mind that she gave me your e-mail address and I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you but I've been out of town on business.

I, too, am an actor and spend much of the year in Los Angeles. I'm sure we would have a lot to talk about and I would love to hear back from you whenever you get a chance and maybe we could meet up for coffee when I get back to L.A. It would be great to speak in person, as e-mail doesn't always tell the 'tale of the tape'.

Love, Josh"

Okay, so I read this and laughed and then made the huge mistake of SENDING IT TO MY MOTHER with the note, "I guess you were right. He really was into meeting me. You've got 200 dollars en route to you Madame!" But ya see, my mom didn't get the absurdity of it all and THOUGHT THE EMAIL WAS REAL. So even after I told her, "No, Mom. This was a joke. My friend sent this," she tirelessly argued with me, insisting, "If the email address has his name in it, it has to be real." This went on for months, with her repeatedly asking, "Did you write Josh Lucas back yet?" and "Where is my $200?" Finally, I had to get my buddy on the phone to explain that he had in fact sent the email and that it wasn't from Josh.

Reluctantly, my mother sent me my 200 bucks which I happily accepted and immediately signed over to my therapist. As for Josh, I hope he's happy even though we were never able to 'tell the tale of the tape' (whatever that means).

Thoughts about all of this? Please email them to me! I'd love to hear from you!


  1. This is hilarious! I love that you had to convince your mom it was fake. Now you just need to bump into Josh for real and tell him all about it.

  2. That is hilarious.
